dandelions don't grow here ( - but you can keep your feet on my dash )

dear mr dandelion man,

i wrote a list of all the things that made me sad & your name was on it three times

but on the list of things that made me happy you were sixteen reasons

& i can't explain that

i can't explain why may 18 was so special,
or why i can't chew a piece of bubblegum without thinking of you

i'm not mad sad at you for that text,
i hope you're happy
( you deserve all the rainbows & better than sex cakes in the world )

the truth is, you're the only boy i've told about fourth grade
i'm glad you forced me to tell you all of my secrets

i'm sorry i talk too much
& i can be overbearing
& people get bored of taking care of me
( but thank you for taking care of me )

i'm a sucker for lemonade stands
so please, forgive me if i make you pull over
when there's somewhere we need to be
but please just know
there's no place i'd rather be

than sitting on the back of your motorcycle or in the front seat of your car or in our super duper secret canyon spot or in the bowling alley or even watching you mow your lawn

thank you for the dandelions & the voicemails & for staying up with me tonight ( & the night before )
you're one of my best friends & i love you lots
- thanks for being the nicest person i know

( to cruisin colby,
with love,
rockin rach )


  1. "thank you for the dandelions & the voicemails & for staying up with me tonight"

    you're a good writer

    tell colby i said hello


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